Monday, September 14, 2015

The Last Hurrah

Well, it's almost here. In just a little over a month, I will be undergoing reconstruction surgery, and again recovering. My follow-up MRI for my right side will happen just a week or so before. My next oncology check-up isn't until March. And, Lord willing, even after my reconstruction follow-up procedures, all of this will soon be far behind me.

It's time for my 'Last Hurrah' last effort, last sprint, to get fit and healthy before I start the recovery process again, and I want to give it my best shot. I've looked into a lot of weight-loss 'programs' that friends and family are using, and they have experienced great results. My sister has lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time and looks fantastic. Other friends have discussed with me what has worked for them.

But there are three glaring things with most of the programs that just won't work for me:

1. The cost - many of these programs cost hundreds of dollars a month. We have gone from a double-income family to a single income, and a self-employed income at that. I can't spend hundreds on a program, and still have to buy food for myself and my family.

2. The chemicals - many of these programs require you to consume their pre-packaged product and/or supplements. My body doesn't tend to like those things, as I have had adverse reactions to overly-chemical, or even natural-based supplements. 

3. The exercise - with some programs, I wouldn't be able to exercise because the amount of calories I need to consume is too low...they even tell you not to break a sweat. I NEED to do at least 3-5 hours of cardio a week to help keep cancer at bay. Other programs have exercises that are too intense for me, even as far as I have come.

So, what do I do? I need motivation (I am not a 'natural' healty-eater, exercise person), and while juicing has helped me greatly, I also need to build up my protein and iron levels before surgery, so that scary words like 'transfusion' aren't thrown around again.

Then I came across The 21 Day Fix...a portion controlled program where exercises are essential. The problem? It was costly and the exercises were too intense for now. So I have taken the principles and meal portion measurements, and infused my own exercises for the next 21 days. Clean eating, increased protein, and requred exercise...everything I need to get ready.

I've lost 20 pounds since my surgery last year, very slowly and painfully. I'd like to lose 10 more in the next three weeks. It's a very lofty goal, but I will keep you posted. So far, I've had to make my own salsa, coffee creamer, salad dressings, and spice mixtures for meat. It has cost some money up-front for containers and pantry items I didn't have, but now I have them. I believe that by doing this, I can incorporate many of the principles into not only my lifestyle, but my family's. If you're curious to where I get my ideas from, check out my board on Pinterest - 21 Day fix DIY:

All of this is happening during a nation-wide focus on 40 Days of prayer & fasting for revival, which started yesterday, and ends the day before my surgery...this isn't lost on me. The next three weeks will be a time for me to get even more fit and healthy, but also a time for me to focus on my relatiship with God and pray for revival in our awakening to our need for Jesus. I'll be cutting out (fasting) my social media use in the evenings for prayer, but also to focus more on family, and doing a last big push to make as many signs for my business as I can.

It's going to be a wild ride :)