Saturday, December 29, 2012


Well, Christmas has come and gone, and we are almost on to a new year (hard to believe!).  December seems like a whirlwind for my family.  Our little Jaelyn turned one on the 10th, Darren and I celebrated our 14th Anniversary on the 19th (and by celebrated, I mean that we acknowledged it in passing, and he bought me flowers), my parents came on the 21st, and, well, you know when Christmas was.  Leading right up to the big day, Darren was working overtime hours about 14 hours a day), and I work we didn't see much of each other.  Life is getting back to normal now...whatever that is.

We tried to get Jaelyn gifts from some "work at Home Moms" this year, and tried to follow the "something she wants, needs, wears and reads" rule for Christmas/birthday.  We bought her a Super Snuggle Baby and Hammer Rattle from Little DeMoura Designs -
 which is the something she wants 
(well, she is really too little to want, but we knew she would like them!)

We got her a new Stocking from Comfort Cove Designs

which is something she needs.

We got her new Supergirl pj's for Christmas Eve, and a new little board book too, which was something 
she'll wear and read 
- not from a work at home mom, but practical nonetheless.
We tried not to go overboard (pretty easy when you have no money, haha), but also tried to make it 
memorable :)

If you have a chance to check out those two companies, please do!  They have wonderful products 
and are great to work with and order from!
Her new stocking *love!*
Jaelyn in her new pj's and with her Super Baby!

Holding her hammer rattle she just got in her stocking!
Happy Baby!

I hope you and yours had a great time, too!

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