Thursday, January 24, 2013

BIG Bibs! A Review...

Yep, it's time for another review!  Now, before you start thinking that I've gone on some mad shopping spree, let me remind you that many of these things I've been reviewing lately are items that most moms get for their kids...I have just been making the decision to purchase them from Work At Home Moms and local/Canadian companies.  It has been a neat experience, and I think these moms/companies deserve to have some recognition for their hard work and beautiful products.

Rant over...on with the review :)  

Our little Houdini of a daughter has become increasingly unsatisfied with her current bib situation.  Translation?  Her little Velcro bibs only stay on her tiny body for about 10 seconds before she rips them off and either throws them on the floor, or hands them to me.  As she experiments with more foods, she also needs more material covering her little clothes...and I don't want to change her clothes and increase my laundry production unless it is absolutely necessary.  We needed bibs...BIG bibs.

I contacted one of my friends who is "in the know" about great hand-made bibs (You can find the link to her blog, "As Time Flies", on my blog's home page), and she pointed me towards a great little company called Nic & Elli (You can find their Facebook page here)  I decided to give them a try.  I contacted them, and picked out two bibs to try out....and I SOOO wish I ordered more!  

I am not a fan of plastic bibs, plastic backed bibs, bibs with little food flaps, etc.  I want a bib that will last, that Jaelyn can't take off, that will grow with her....and one I can chuck in the washer and dryer.  I was not disappointed with the bibs from Nic & Elli!

These bibs come with two snap positions, so they can grow with your little one, and they cover the entire front of her!  Not to mention that they are so cute :)  They also have a super-soft backing on them, are at a great price, and wash beautifully.

She was great to work with, I was able to pay through email, and my package arrived fast.  It is a family-run company - named after her two children, and she and her mother do all of the sewing!  They have a lot of other items, too, such as cloth diapers and liners and sandwich bags.  

So, if you are in the market to purchase some bibs for your little one, I highly recommend Nic & Elli - and to those of you who are looking for baby shower gifts....may I suggest skipping the store-bought tiny bibs, and getting the new mom-to-be some bibs that will grow with their child.  These are made by a mom who knows :)

The two bibs that I ordered
Look at the size difference between the 'normal' bib, and the one from Nic & Elli's!
My happy little camper :)

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