Monday, May 25, 2015

Praising, Potty training, Preaching, & Planning

I know, it's been a while. I seem to say that a lot, but sometimes life takes over, and sometimes you need to just 'be' without telling everything to the world. But I'm back now, and excited to share what has been going on.

Two days after my 'complicated biopsy' on my right side, I met with my oncologist, and she gave me these wonderful words...again: "no cancer". Just fibrosis and fat cells, haha (never thought I'd be happy about fibrosis and fat, but I am). I am so thankful to God for these results, and for those who have been continually praying for me and my family! I didn't know how relieved I would be to hear that until I did. I had come to terms that I would be having surgery either way: reconstruction, or lumpectomy/mastectomy again...but having the knowledge that there are no signs of that disease lurking in me is a comfort. My surgeon scheduled me for another MRI in October just to follow up again, on the recommendation of the radiologist, because it isn't typical for fat and fibrosis to show up during MRI's with the dye they use (not abnormal, just not typical) so they want to be sure...again. At least I know I am well looked after my the medical field :) 

I've also been potty training my 3-year old, which has been an adventure in itself. It's mostly a battle of the wills, as she know how to 'go' on the potty...we just have to wear her down now, haha. We have good days and bad days with this, but we are definitely moving forward.

On Mother's Day, I had the opportunity to share with my church family what God has been teaching me throughout the past number of years. Rather than writing out the highlights on here, I'll just post the link for the podcast: (May 10th - "Living With Great Joy and Expectation". Have a listen if you want :)

Reconstruction is still a "go" for the end of this summer. I am just waiting to hear from the doctor after the first of July to set up our next consultation. You may be wondering how the weight loss is going. It's going slowly. Very. Slowly. I'm still juicing some, watching my calories, and trying to up my exercise. I've decided that to get more motivated about this, I need a scale that is actually accurate, so we are going to come into the new age of technology and upgrade to digital. Hopefully that will take the guesswork out of where I am at on this whole journey. There is still time, but I need to kick it up a notch (and perhaps cut back on ice cream, haha)

I've been kept super busy with my signs, which is the main reason I haven't been blogging lately. So many customer orders! I'll need to put a hold on taking orders soon, as I will be having some of my signs at Beulah Camp in the Storehouse this year, and I'm very excited about that! Darren and I have also been working on the house here and there, and will be posting pictures soon on here. I also have some fun decor projects I'm excited to share!

One of the things I'm most excited about coming up in the next couple months, is a getaway with my sister to Moncton for a few days. We'll have spa time, go shopping, watch movies and just relax...with no kids. I am soooo looking forward to that, especially with more surgery looming for me shortly after.

So that's what's been going on with me. The next few months are sure to be busy, but i have a feeling there's going to be some great things to write about :)

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