Monday, February 16, 2015


Sometimes I forget that it all happened. That it is happening. That there is still more to come. I am reminded when I dress in the mornings and when I get ready for bed at night about the trauma that has happened to my body and my life. But in-between those times, I sometimes forget and my life is 'normal' again. I am thankful for those times when I can just be with my family, laugh with my kids, and go on 'dates' with my husband. 

Darren and I have been faithful to our 'juicing' adventure. I was juicing breakfast and drinking smoothies for a number of weeks, and have just now entered my second week of juicing both breakfast and lunch. We go to the City Market every Saturday, and a few other places, to get all of the produce we need for the week. Two servings each of four juices...every day. That is a lot of fruit and vegetables!! It can get expensive, but we scope out deals every week and try to keep the expensive produce to a minimum.

So what have been the results?
- We are finally sleeping at night. I have not slept well since I was first pregnant with Jaelyn...which is almost four years of bad sleep. I am finally getting the rest I need and have energy throughout the day.
- I have lost 5-10 pounds
- Darren has lost 25 pounds!
- we are eating healthier, having less sugar, and teaching our kids how to eat better.
- I no longer need any vitamin supplements, which aren't accepted by my body well anyway.

We plan on continuing to juice for a while, and at some point I will do a complete juice fast for a time. If you are interested in some of the recipes that we use, Darren and I have been posting them in a shared album on Facebook.

I've been using my treadmill a couple times a week (need to do more), but have yet to start using my weight exercises. I definitely need to get my motivation back up for this, as I can feel the lack of it, especially on my surgery side. But, I am still determined! I've been kept very busy with my signs and making a lot of customer orders. I am grateful for that. Darren and I have also started working on some more house renovations again and will hopefully have pictures to post in the near future.

I've been able to enjoy these last few months without needing to deal with any recovery, any major appointments, any medical stress. It's been restful and wonderful.

But then I'm forced to face it again...and that is OK. While I don't welcome the stress and pain, I do welcome what God is doing in my life through these circumstances: what He is teaching me, and how my faith is being stretched...and those are things I don't want to forget.

My follow-up MRI is scheduled for next Tuesday. This will check my right side again, to make sure there is nothing suspicious going on. I will get the results from my doctor the following week. If I get the all-clear, then I can begin preparing for reconstruction (which is another significant surgery with follow-up surgeries) in July/August.

This storm...this part of my helping to refine me into who I am meant to be. I feel like it is echoed in every sign I make, and every house renovation that we work on. A broken and weathered piece of wood or cabinetry is transformed into something new. Something beautiful. Something redeemed.

James 1:2 - Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.

Above is a recent sign I made for someone who works closely with all breast cancer patients in Saint John. I am thankful and grateful for those God has placed in my path.